By Amsterdam
United Kingdom
Can anyone recommend a (dwarf) fruit tree to be grown in a large pot as shown on my patio? Needs to be hardy and would be nice to have lovely blossom. Many thanks.

8 May, 2022
I've wondered that too. I had a dwarf apple in a pot once and it never even flowered, let alone fruited.
8 May, 2022
Oh ok then. 🫤 I have just taken out a tired agapanthus and would like to plant an ornamental tree/shrub that is happy in a pot and will not outgrow pot or get too big. Back to the drawing board!!
8 May, 2022
The best dwarf trees in pots that we have are a Copper Beech (in glorious leaf 11 months of the year) and Prunus Kojo no-mai … pretty white blossom in April/May and good autumn leaf colouring. Good luck with the decision!
9 May, 2022
Thanks Sheilabub- got a Prunus Kojo no-mai and will look into the copper beech. Thanks for the suggestions.
9 May, 2022
You’d be ok with a Dwarf Top Hat. In ericaceous compost. X
13 May, 2022
Thanks Cottagekaren. Lovely to see you back.
14 May, 2022
I'm going to be a bit of a killjoy but I would not grow a dwarf fruit tree in a pot. You might get away by growing in a half barrel (you will have to be on the ball so to speak with watering) but a fruit tree on dwarfing rootstock and planted in the garden, to my mind would be the way to go. You do see many illustrations in magazines and newspapers with dwarf trees simply laden with fruit but I wonder if they are Photoshopped.
8 May, 2022