By Philgill
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
I have some very small white flys/insects appearing out of seed potting compost and vermiculite. What are they and how do I get rid of them.
We have stopped bringing them inside at night due to these insects.
29 Sep, 2010
Or you can simply ignore them...
29 Sep, 2010
If they are coming out of the compost, they are probably fungus gnats. They are often, but not always, a sign of overwatering, since the larvae feed on fungus growing in the soil. Organic mosquito control granules containing Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis usually work, just sprinkle them on the soil and water in. If for some reason they don't go away, soak the soil with a solution of carbaryl, or use Provado granules--though not on anything edible!
29 Sep, 2010
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For the greenhouse you can get yellow cards to hang up that attracts the white fly or you can try using Bug Clear and spray in the bags tie up and hope it does the job.
29 Sep, 2010