By Seaburngirl
East Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Anthemis -cuttings?
I had a quick looks around the garden today and the stems of Anthemis EC Buxton that flowered last year have several side shoots.
Do they make good cuttings, the way dianthus do? I've done root cuttings before and the RHS website doesn't mention using side shoots.
Any one had success using this method?
On plant
Anthemis tinctoria EC Buxton
30 Dec, 2022
Thanks Hywel.
I will take a look. just seems odd the RHS doesn't list it as a method.
31 Dec, 2022
The following site mentions stem cuttings. You can root them in early spring.
I've never been able to keep this plant, it always dies in winter, even though I plant it in a pot and take it into a shelter.
31 Dec, 2022