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Devon, United Kingdom

How are your hellebores?

I am asking because ours are not doing very well at all compared with this time last year.

Am I too early perhaps?

They have hardly any buds showing and not many leaves either.



I have several flowering, but I admit I haven’t looked at them closely because the garden isn’t an inviting place at the moment 😏.

7 Jan, 2023


Mine have totally forgotten what they are supposed to be doing. Wonder if it was the dry summer?

7 Jan, 2023


Sheila to hear that at least you have hellebores in flower. That is a definite improvement on mine.
Stera it could be the very dry summer that has upset them. I wonder if they will pick up later?

7 Jan, 2023


Just showing flower buds, here.

8 Jan, 2023


And here. I have just removed the old leaves.H.foetidus is flowering though.

8 Jan, 2023


I have two white ones in pots and they have buds. I haven't been down the garden to inspect the others. If it's dry tomorrow I may go.

8 Jan, 2023


Thank you all for your replies. I think I will have to be patient and wait and see!

9 Jan, 2023


I can just see buds emerging at ground level on the oriental hybrids and they are pretty much on time for me. It will depend on the type too.
last year's heat has certainly had an impact.

9 Jan, 2023


Just been to have another look - there are now two pretty pink ones that haven't flowered before and must be self sown. The large clump of dark red ones is full of buds now. (I think this one came for Hywel originally but its a long time ago. Nothing on the double while or the bog standard pink so far. There should be alemon one somewhere - hoping it will appear eventually.

9 Jan, 2023


Garden Hellebores have a few buds just emerging .
Nice to know the Hellebore is doing well Sue :)

9 Jan, 2023


Better news coming my way now so thank you everyone. I will not give up on mine - yet!!!

9 Jan, 2023

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