West Sussex,
United Kingdom
My zonal geraniums, over-wintering in a cold conservatory, insist on blooming continuously. They do look very pretty but does this mean that they'll be too exhausted to do well in the summer ? I barely water them at the moment as I thought they should be resting.
2 Feb, 2023
Thanks Sbg. It's just that a neighbour thought perhaps I should remove the buds as they appear,which seems a shame as they really cheer up the winter.
3 Feb, 2023
Oh just enjoy them! Mine have kept me cheerful all winter and I have only fed them once. Please don't listen to your neighbour, kindly meant as the advice was. If they need a rest they will take one but right now they are doing a grand job even when I neglect them sometimes. I think they must be the most rewarding houseplants on the planet.
4 Feb, 2023
Great! Thanks Stera. I'm so glad I posted before acting! You and Sbg have reassured me!
5 Feb, 2023
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« This is a pic of my sister's purple violet. It has bloomed for ever and now...
they will keep flowering as long as they are fed in the summer.
I had pelargoniums in my lab that flowered for years.
3 Feb, 2023