By Avrilcoutts
I would like to grow some shrubs in medium-sized containers to keep in the shady part of my garden. Does anybody have some suggestions. Thank you so much.
27 Jul, 2023
Thank you Seaburngirl. I'll keep these in mind when Spring is here. Best regards.
27 Jul, 2023
Acers are also happy in shade.
27 Jul, 2023
I love acers so will try a miniature one. Thank you Sheilabub.
28 Jul, 2023
My Pieris is growing happily in the shade & flowers well every year. There is P japonica & P floribunda to choose from.
28 Jul, 2023
Just a warning:
You need to be careful with dwarf Buddleia as I and a few other people I know have bought them - only to find they have grown into full sized trees! Mine is currently over 6 foot now and soon to be chopped down to near ground level as it will be far too big for my small garden.
28 Jul, 2023
Skimmia, sarcococca, dwarf Lonicera, azalea, dwarf buddleia all spring to mind.
27 Jul, 2023