By Noseypotter
United Kingdom
how do i dump my membership . i can always be a guest and just use the site or google my answers .
15 Oct, 2010
I don't think that you can remove your membership from sites like this. You can log-out but your actual membership is there until the day the internet implodes on itself.
15 Oct, 2010
You can 'disable your account'
I did it when I changed my username. I deleted the page called Blodyn.
I can't remember how I did it. Maybe you could ask Ajay and Peter on 'contact us'.
I wonder why you would want to do that though. What's wrong ?
15 Oct, 2010
I think you can deleted your account,click on your options,
click on your news, click on your profile, click on update your profile,and then click on delete account, hope this helps,
15 Oct, 2010
For goodness sake you lot - does he need to justify his leaving the site?
15 Oct, 2010
NO !, but I wonder why - that's all. He's been on here for a long time, and I've enjoyed seeing his blogs. It just seems strange to suddenly leave.
15 Oct, 2010
Times change... I'm currently writing my own 'death certificate' blog, so won't be coming on here as often now.
Sorry if I seemed a bit brusque just now :o)
15 Oct, 2010
Think there are a lot of people talking of leaving, please don't I enjoy all your company, its good to talk, if you leave you will miss the fun we have on here. Keep on talking you will get there, this will all change again for the better I am sure.
15 Oct, 2010
Hear hear Barbara, I've tried not to get involved with the negative, some members seem to have really strong feelings, they feel, need to be aired which they are fully entitled to do of course, but its quite upsetting when you know how friendly and welcoming it can be, and for the majority, is.. Lets all have a group hug!!!!
15 Oct, 2010
I'll join in the group hug :o)
15 Oct, 2010
Morning Dido - sending my hugs now: ( :o) ) wider than normal hugs because I have a lot to go around. hope you have a good day! I meaning me of course!!
15 Oct, 2010
Hugs back Hywel, ( :o) )
15 Oct, 2010
:o) x
15 Oct, 2010
LOL Barbara, your not on your own chuck!!
15 Oct, 2010
Oh thats good to hear! lol
15 Oct, 2010
If you really want to cancel your membership, Nosey, you should use the Contact Us at the bottom of the page and email the site owners, asking them to delete your membership, and you will then be removed.
Only thing I've got to say to everyone who's unhappy about the new look site is have a bit of patience - I'm sure it'll all get sorted in the end, Ajay and Peter are, indeed, listening to what we're all saying and will probably make the changes the majority seem to want. I must admit I wish they'd hurry up and change the colours, I'm pretty fed up with jamming sunglasses over my readers, but hey,I can put up with it for a few days...
15 Oct, 2010
I am not totally happy with the changes but I think it is far too soon to talk of leaving. Pete and Ajay need time to absorb the comments, positive and negative, and then decide what, if anything, they are going to do.
Can I joint the group hug, can I be in the middle, please :-)
15 Oct, 2010
LOL ! Of course you can B would that be in the middle of me and Oliveoil or does Hywel get a look in ? lol
15 Oct, 2010
OOer squashed or what!!
15 Oct, 2010
Yep, always be careful what you wish for!!! LOL
15 Oct, 2010
Of course!
15 Oct, 2010
Don`t usually answer questions, this time I will, don`t know how Np, never felt the need, if I did I certainly would not ask on here because to be honest anybody doing that in my opinion is simply testing peoples reactions and is not really sure about doing it, please do not think I`m being rude or sarky, I simply enjoy your input and sincerely hope you stay.
Can I be in the hug, we all need one sometimes ?..Sue.
15 Oct, 2010
Me too... in the hug
15 Oct, 2010
15 Oct, 2010
(((GOY friends)))......Group Hugs all around......(((GOY friends)))
I'm too addicted to GOY and I'm viewing some wonderful gardens, getting sound and positive advice and encouragement and wouldn't want to leave. You're stuck with me folks! lol
(((GOY hugs to Peter and Ajay too)))
15 Oct, 2010
I'll be sorry if you leave Nosey but respect your decision if that is what you want. I always find your posts interesting and helpful and I really enjoy your artwork!
15 Oct, 2010
Hi Nosey, I agree with Pennyf. I couldnt have put it better myself.
15 Oct, 2010
(((((( I'm in the hug too! ))))))
15 Oct, 2010
And me! ((((((((((((o)))))))))))))
16 Oct, 2010
Previous question
Not sure you can but why do you want to NP?
15 Oct, 2010