By Jojoclerk
United Kingdom
what should happen to black sanbucca plant in winter
17 Oct, 2010
It's a deciduoue tree, so it will lose its leaves as the weather turns colder and regrowth will start in the spring.
17 Oct, 2010
Birds will thank you for the berries especially if we have a hard winter!
17 Oct, 2010
The berries won't be present if you prune after flowering (as i do) so that you can control the size and shape of this very very fast growing plant.
18 Oct, 2010
That's interesting, Louise. Mine is still quite small--only 8 months since planting, but I was told to prune in late winter or very early spring in order to keep the berries. It does have a few berries at the moment so I will wait and see what happens as my main aim is to attract bees, butterflies and birds to this small garden.
20 Oct, 2010
Pennyfarthing, this plant grows several feet in the main growing season and a lot of gardeners cut it hard back each spring to keep it under control.
20 Oct, 2010
Oh dear, I might be in trouble next year in that case! I actually have two. One is Black Lace, which is quite dainty and so far quite restrained, and the other is Black Beauty, which, I must admit, does look as though it might rampage!
They told me at the garden centre that I could cut it to the ground if it got out of hand and it would still grow back .
20 Oct, 2010
I have Black Lace too :-)
The garden centre were right. These plants are as tough as old boots !!!
20 Oct, 2010
hi it will drop its leaves and sit and do very little until the spring. when it is dormant if you see any branches you wish to prune then early spring is a good time to do it.
17 Oct, 2010