By Donnaj1dlh
My cat has decided to start raking up my tubs of spring bulbs, the little nuisance!!! I keep trying to hide them but she keeps finding them! I know compost is a lot easier to scrape at than the garden just now but hells bells!
I've put them in the shed just now to keep her away from them but can anyone suggest anything to stop her doing it??
22 Oct, 2010
We have this problem with squirrels, and have covered the compost in our pots with small stones: bigger than gravel, and rougher than pebbles. It seems to deter them. good luck!
22 Oct, 2010
Ah now, I have heaps of spare pink granite chuckies, do you think I could use them? I know she hates standing on them! They would look quite nice in the planters too with the tulips and things growing up through them......
22 Oct, 2010
That sounds like your solution, Donna....your spare chuckies. Naughty kitty! Gotta laugh though...they can be little mischief-makers!
22 Oct, 2010
We always an automatically cover the surface of any pot with 6mm grit this deters weed seeds and cats!
22 Oct, 2010
Sorry but what are chuckies Donna?
22 Oct, 2010
Dido - chuckies are the gravel chips you use on driveways etc.
22 Oct, 2010
Ohh not heard that term before, led a sheltered life you know! lol
22 Oct, 2010
Likewise MG, I can't have a pot without gravel of some kind on the soil, even around permanent plants. Definitely works and also means less watering in summer.
22 Oct, 2010
Previous question
You could put chicken wire or netting over the pots
22 Oct, 2010