By Nellie43
United Kingdom
please can you help i am not a gardener but would like some advice on planting something in a corner of my large garden with colour that will grow tall and spread out to cover a large area and grow tall to cover the fence
26 Oct, 2010
Whether its in full sun, part shade or full shade is critical, so if you could give that info at least, that'd be useful.
26 Oct, 2010
Also how tall is tall and what do you mean by a large area?
Welcome to Goy by the way :)
26 Oct, 2010
Let's not frighten Nellie off with too many questions, Anchorman - I'm assuming a free standing large shrub at the moment, perhaps 8 to 10 feet high by 6 or more feet wide...
26 Oct, 2010
Your assumption may or may not be correct. It is perfectly reasonable to ask how big she wants this shrub to grow and I see no reason why two simple questions would frighten her off
26 Oct, 2010
Sorry, didn't mean to offend, Anchorman - its just that sometimes, people who aren't gardeners DO get frightened off by too many questions from us on here, makes it all seem too complicated, that's all I meant.
26 Oct, 2010
Escallonia! :-) Almost any variety will do what you want Nellie. And welcome from me too.
26 Oct, 2010
Not if its in full shade, Beattie...
26 Oct, 2010
Pittosporum tenuifolium cultivars, which will tolerate any shade, but grow tall enough to reach the sun, prunus lusitanica (a bit muted dark green, but smart), and I've got elaeagnus 'Limelight' which does well (sometimes too well), in sun or shade. They're all evergreen. Phil
26 Oct, 2010
How about a rose such as American Pillar or the one I saw at Mottisfont in June--Rose complicata-- I totally fell in love with it. It has tall arching branches and can be grown as a free-standing shrub or will scramble up trees and over fences. (So will American Pillar or many other rambling roses).
26 Oct, 2010
Previous question
Hi Nellie and welcome to GoY. We need a bit more info from you which way does your corner face, how much sun is it going to get, what sort of soil do you have? Are you wanting somethnig that will grow on the fence or be freestanding?
26 Oct, 2010