By Sweetbean
United Kingdom
Hello. I would like to plant dandelions for a community project. Can you tell me when to seed them and when they will grow. I would ideally like them to grow in May - is that possible?
Thank you
29 Nov, 2010
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Dandelions are perennial plants so unlikely to flower in the first year. I am not commenting on Benji's post above as I have never tried to grow dandelions, deliberately thta is.
29 Nov, 2010
I have enough as it is!
29 Nov, 2010
Indeed Bulbaholic is quite right. I would hazard a guess however that seedlings that appear in early spring would have a good chance of flowering. Keep us posted!
29 Nov, 2010
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1 Buy seed!
2 Make a dandelion garden bed. Tillthe garden soil, build a raised bed or use containers for the dandelions. Add compost or other organic materials to the garden soil to make it rich and loamy. Use an all-purpose garden or vegetable fertilizer for better growth and productivity.
Thin the plants as they grow. Keep at least 6 inches between each plant. This checks disease and maximizes leaf production.
Harvest the outer leaves as you would harvest lettuce. Use the leaves in a salad. To harvest the whole plant, cut the dandelion greens with a sharp knife, garden shears or scissors.
Store gourmet dandelion leaves and flowers in a freezer bag in the refrigerator and serve them within a week for the best taste. Throw out any that wilt. Prepare dandelion roots by drying them in the sun.
Let the gourmet dandelion flowers go to seed toward the end of the season. Then harvest the seeds for next year's dandelion garden.
PS this is copied from ehow and not my own work.
Good luck with your project
29 Nov, 2010