By Bev_brown
United Kingdom
We have a Aeonium arboreum "Schwartzkopf" which we did put in th garage when it went cold, but have put in the spareroom as it gone all limp and lifeless, have we lost it or can we revieve it? any suggestions
1 Dec, 2010
Aeonium are native to Madeira where it would be much warmer than anywhere in the UK.
1 Dec, 2010
Oh dear I suspect you have lost your Aeonium! Much to cold and dark for it in a garage.
1 Dec, 2010
I have just chopped three different types of aeonium up including Schwartz & put them in a completely dry gritty compost, they have just started to root. All went limp & the outer leaves will shrivel & dry. Aeonium's have their rest in our summer, this is where folk mostly lose them to over watering ( ironic for succulents) they are actively growing now in our cold season so try cuttings as suggested. Swipe the tops off with about 4" of stem, leave on a piece of tissue to dry the wound for 3 days then plant. Nothing to lose I suspect but do keep them at room temperature. I'll pop up a photo up on the album to show the cuttings, have a look at my Aeonium Blog. Good luck.
2 Dec, 2010
It sounds like it got cold enough to frost even in your garage, Bev! Even if not, leaving it in the dark more than a week will cause it distress, too. Janey and Bampy have the right idea for a cure--follow Bampy's procedure only if the main stem is soft, though.
2 Dec, 2010
I over winter my Aeonium Schwartz in the unheated conservatory where it's very cold but gets good light. They have survived the winters so far, even last year.
3 Dec, 2010
that's where I keep mine also in the unheated conservatory & they always get through despite the cold.
3 Dec, 2010
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« I am trying to sell 2 cactus'. they are both over 6ft tall. Does anyone know...
I think it's probably been too cold for it Bev.....they do like the warmth and light, could be too cold and dark. If only part has turned limp, cut this off, keep it warm and dry and light and hopefully it will shoot from the stump again.
1 Dec, 2010