By Janey
Hi everyone....I've been checking my Eucalyptus today and the leaves have turned a rusty brown. Do you think it will be okay, I think it's quite an old tree.

21 Dec, 2010
You don't say which variety of Eucalyptus you have - if its gunii, that's pretty hardy, though as you realise, the leaves should not turn this colour in winter. There's nothing you can do but wait till spring to see what happens - one of the problems this year was the sudden appearance of very cold temperatures so early in the winter, which didn't allow enough time for plants to gradually acclimatise to its onset. If the tree is E. gunii, it will be possible to severely prune it back in Spring to encourage new growth if the whole tree isn't dead.
22 Dec, 2010
Thanks Gaz....this is the first winter I've noticed the leaves are brown though.....hopefully it will come through.
Yes I'm sure it is the Gunnii Bamboo, it was in the garden when we came has the peeling bark. In the Autumn, we gave it a good prune, this probably hasn't helped the situation, now we have such low temps. I can't bear the thought that it may die, it is a beauty and the main tree in the garden.
22 Dec, 2010
Ah - if it survives, remember, it's always best to prune this, particularly if you want to do a hard cut back, before the end of June, mid July at the latest. Best time is Spring
22 Dec, 2010
Thanks for the advice Bamboo, we didn't realize it needed Spring pruning. This is the second time we've trimmed it, simply because it grows near a neighbour's wall.
22 Dec, 2010
Even with a good spring prune, you often find it needs doing again by July - after that, just take off smaller bits though.
22 Dec, 2010
Will do....many thanks....:o)
22 Dec, 2010
Some of the branches on mine were like this last winter Janey. Funnily enough so far they look ok this year. No lasting damage though. Cut them hard back late winter/early spring and then you have time to do it again if you need to before July. We took about 1/3 off the crowns last March and they are bigger already! This year we are planning an even more severe pruning! Hope it is fine, it's been so horrible in Lincs...the snow and ice I mean! ;) p.s. I'm excited about getting my camera tomorrow..I've been especially good all week!! ;)
24 Dec, 2010
Happy Xmas Karen.....I.m so pleased you've put this on I really thought we'd lost it! Have a great day, you'll be thrilled with your camera.....:o)) X
25 Dec, 2010
Thanks Janey! I played with the camera today!!! hurray! It's quite similar to my old one in terms of controls and the zoom is fantastic! I can actually take proper photos of the birds now! Not much to take pics of today here though...just grey sky and white ground! Expect you are the same.....grrrr...go away snow!!
26 Dec, 2010
Same here...thick frost and grey sky...well black now, Lol!
Yep fantastic zoom, soon be New Year and lighter nights, you'll be real busy then....:o)
26 Dec, 2010
Its started RAINING!!!! YAY YIPPEE!! AT LAST! Hope you are getting some thaw too! we have 3C just now, 10.30pm!
26 Dec, 2010
Have you! Well Lotties just come in and she was wet, so yes we have too! That means plenty of paws to dry...mmm....12 at the last count....:o((
26 Dec, 2010
Ha ha! :))
26 Dec, 2010
26 Dec, 2010
should be ok my freinds is the same every year but survives
22 Dec, 2010