My best friend and his partner gave me a plant as a present ths week
By Andrewr
My best friend and his partner gave me a plant as a present this week. The problem is - I don't like the plant! (we all have some pet hates and I've been given one of mine).
So, what to do with it?
a) plant it and hope it dies?
b) 'forget' to plant it and let it take its chance
c) donate it to someone who likes it
or has anyone any other ideas?
On plant
Plant dilemma

19 Feb, 2011
Could you plant it in a public place like a park or amongst a planting scheme by the roadside or something like that, at least others could enjoy and you could hopefully see it prosper, from a distance. Could be an embarrassing job to do though, lol
19 Feb, 2011
local hospice/hospital grounds or a local school may be a possible solution.
19 Feb, 2011
This is when you always get caught out Andrew. Is there somewhere in your garden you could plant it where you wouldn't see it too often. People can get quite upset over things like this!!! You could get rid of it next year once they have seen it and then say it was hit by the frost.
19 Feb, 2011
Option a) won't work for you - doubt many of your plants die off! Neither will Option b) as there's no way you'd forget to plant it ... therefore you're left with Option c) which is to send it to me as I may like it ... lol! : o )
19 Feb, 2011
Plant it in a pot and out of site, when they come to visit, place the pot where they can see it.. wallah lol.
19 Feb, 2011
Devious plan, Youngdaisy, but I like it! : o )
19 Feb, 2011
Yeah, but i talked you out of a plant shirley :) Now Im wondering what plant it is ..
19 Feb, 2011
Something cream or pale pink would suit ....... ok Andrew? : o )
19 Feb, 2011
I reckon Youngdaisy's cracked it! :-) And if you put the pot somewhere obscure you may well forget to water it - and then it will "unfortunately" pass from your care. What a pity...
20 Feb, 2011
Plant it in your garden and hope it will one day 'grow on you' :o)
I absolutely hated roses at one time, and swore I'd never have any. but I kept the only one in the garden of a previous house I bought, and surprise surprise, now I love roses. It can happen.
20 Feb, 2011
Fascinating question Andrew . . . take your pick! You don't want to hurt your best friend's feelings, so Youngdaisy's idea is brilliant! Now will you tell us what the plant is?
20 Feb, 2011
I came to the same conclusion as Youngdaisy. I sat down at my computer to suggest keeping it in a pot and each time your friend arrives it can be sitting in pride of place. BUT does he ever just pop in ????
20 Feb, 2011
Thanks everyone for your ideas. I have now uploaded a photo of the plant - salix 'Kilmarnock' (dwarf weeping willow).
Having given the problem more thought, I have come up with a new solution. As this tree will get about six feet high and wide in time, I don't really have a space for it. So, I will donate it to the Red Cross (who have a big Plant Sale in the area every May) and tell my friend I had to part with it because I didn't have space for it
20 Feb, 2011
There was a Kilmarnock Willow in this garden years ago but it constantly suffered from Peach Leaf Curl. It was cut right back twice and the new growth was fine until about 5 - 7 yrs old and then p.l.c. again, so finally removed and killed off.
10 May, 2012
Difficult one Andrew. If its a friend you don't see often you could donate it to someone else and then when your friend visits tell him it died I suppose, shame to let it die.
19 Feb, 2011