John Innes Compost
By Potman
United States
I have been given a few bags of John Innes No2 which I would like to convert into JI No3 for container planting of dwarf rootstock apple trees. Could you please tell me what nutrients to add to carry out this conversion?.
Many Thanks
24 Sep, 2008
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John Innes is 7 parts loam, 3 parts peat and 2 parts sharp sand.
No. 1 is 4ounces J I base fertilizer 3/4 of an ounce chalk or lime to 1 bushell.
No. 2 is 8 ounces base, 1 and a half ounces of chalk.
No. 3 is 12 ounces base, 2 and a quarter ounces of chalk.
If I were you I would add 4 ounces Hoof/Horn or bone meal to each bag of no. 2.
If you have some OLD mortar rubble or plaster add 1 4inch pot to each bag.
Hope these details will be of some help in the future as well.
24 Sep, 2008