Begonia tubers
By Nouska
United Kingdom
Hi All! Have 2 tubs of giant begonias now past their best but would like to overwinter the tubers to grow again next year. Tried this in the past but with no success. Can anyone tell me the best way to go aboutit?
29 Sep, 2008
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My father used to lift the tubers, clean and dry off, then store in paper bags in the shed over winter. he also marked the bags with the flower colours, and never mixed them up.
29 Sep, 2008
Yes, that's what my Mum does David, then in Spring she puts some compost in a bag puts the corms in puts them in the airing cupboard and away they go.
29 Sep, 2008
I just bring the pots inside - greenhouse or shed and leave them to dry out totally, if its v. cold i might throw a cloth over them, and then in spring put them in good light - greenhouse or windowsill, and water, once they start to sprout i would give them a half strength vegetative feed, and re-pot if necessary, from then on feed well and keep in part-shade for best results!
29 Sep, 2008
I put mine in a cool shed in paper - they lasted for 4 years and the tubers were huge - about 10 inches across. The stems of the begonias were like tree trunks and the flowers enormous. Then last spring I looked at them and they were full of white grubs - I think weavils - and I had to throw them out.
30 Sep, 2008
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Hello. I guess it depends on where you live. I live in Southampton in the UK and I bought these lovely bulbs for the first time last year and put them in hanging baskets and tubs and did nothing - mainly because I have been unable to due to bad health- and they were fine, came back this year. Hope this helps.
29 Sep, 2008