Pruning Raspberries
United Kingdom
I planted 'Autumn Bliss' in early summer and now I am not sure if I should prune them down to the ground or not. I thought that Autumn fruiting occured on two year old canes - so should they be pruned or left another year, fruit and then be pruned to the ground next year??
30 Sep, 2008
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Fleurdemai is indeed correct. I leave mine until I see some new growth appearing from ground level. I do this to allow insects, etc to overwinter AND perhaps the birds can find some food.When the new growth appears then the previous years growth is taken off as near to ground level as possible. I do differ in adding manure in the autumn/ winter time as well as spring this is to keep any undesirable weeds away which as you well know still grow in the mild winter sun, and to provide further nourishment to the soil. BUT March is generally regarded as the mulch month- mulching also keeps the soil cool.
30 Sep, 2008
Manure to warm the soil and mulch to keep it warm was the old saying, so you normally manure in spring and mulch in autumn.
30 Sep, 2008
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Primocanes,autumn fruiting varieties, produce their fruit on current seasons growth. The plant should be pruned right down to ground level in February
Also add plenty of well rotted manure in the Spring
30 Sep, 2008