By Gooseygander
United Kingdom
Ideas for climbers
I'm looking for a good climber to grow up trellis next to a patio in south facing garden. I'd like something evergeen but that flowers in the summer, say June or July, preferably with a scented flower. I like the idea of a clematis but does one exist that meets these ideals? Otherwise I was thinking of a star jasmine or a honeysuckle, although I'm not sure if there is an evergreen honeysuckle?
27 Mar, 2011
Yellow winter jasmine gives lovely flowers at a time of year when there aren't many about, and forms neat, easily trained growth. You could grow one or two clematis through it for summer colour.
27 Mar, 2011
there is a honeysuckle which is evergreen book says lonicera japonica 'Halliana' but the flowers can sometimes get lost by the leaves.found acouple of plants but they might not be really hardy if theres a bad frost.Allemanda cathartica 'hendersonii' really pretty climber with yellow flowers or what about Streptosolen jamesonii(marmalade bush) with bright orange flowers,i might have alook at getting then myself,my passion flower is a bit boring.
27 Mar, 2011