Yellowing leaves on a Skimmia
By Rosiek
United Kingdom
I have a 3 year old skimmia in my front garden which I moved from a pot to the ground about 3 months ago. I have noticed the leave around the botton of the stems are turning yellow and some have dropped off. There is no spotting or marks on the leaves and no signs of a beastie, it is in a shady area and well watered. Is it sick or is this something which happens periodicly as it lived happily in the pot. What do you recommend?
On plant
Skimmia japonica
8 Oct, 2008
Do you know what your soil is like - is it on the acid side which Skimmias prefer? It sounds as if the soil is to blame to me - try watering it with Sequestrene and I hope that it recovers.
8 Oct, 2008
Thanks Spritzhenry, I will try that. Janet, didn't mean to steal your question RosieK!!!
8 Oct, 2008
Yellowing leaves on Skimmia is normally caused by exposure to full sun. They do like a nice bit a shade. Try miving into a semi-shady spot and feed with sequestrian.
8 Oct, 2008
Thanks Spritzhenry & Plantgeek.
I did plant it with ericaceous soil mixed in but maybe not enough I will try your suggestion of the Sequestrene and as it only get the sun early in the morning I don't think too much sun light is the problem. Janet your more than welcome to jump in I hope your's gets better soon.
8 Oct, 2008
Once they've turned yellow it takes quite a long time for them to recover after watering with sequestrene but they do eventually. I've had two that have done this.
8 Oct, 2008
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I have also got a skimmia with yellowing lower leaves, I moved it to a larger pot for display in my front garden, I planted it in ericaceous compost but the leaves have gone very yellow like yours without any spotting, I am interested to find out what the cause is if anyone knows. Janet
8 Oct, 2008