By Annella
United Kingdom
What is the best position to grow Acers in the ground. I would like to plant Acer palmatum 'Skeeters Broom' in a sheltered part of my front garden but do the leaves suffer from sun burn?
On plant
Acer palmatum 'Skeeters Broom'

18 Apr, 2011
Thanks MG, the spot is very sheltered from the wind so I will give it a go
18 Apr, 2011
And it will grow to about 6 feet tall and maybe 6 feet wide so thats worth considering when you are thinking about a position for it.
18 Apr, 2011
18 Apr, 2011
They do very well in a semi shade situation, and once they start to get too big then carefull pruning is required, this means being selective of what you prune away, so that you keep the same structure, at some point in the future i will post some pics on pruning Acer, julien.
18 Apr, 2011
Thanks Julien
19 Apr, 2011
Will need protection from hot summer sun between 11 and 3, Annella - their natural habitat is dappled shade, beneath other trees, so a full on basking in the sun situation is not going to work...
19 Apr, 2011
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They can do but are far more likely to suffer from wind burn if planted in a windy location.
18 Apr, 2011