By Daff51
United Kingdom
I have just bought some oleanders for my garden but to my horror have just discovered on the internet that they are poisonous. Can someone tell me if they are safe to plant. Thank you
4 May, 2011
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Lots of he plants in our gardens are poisonous - you have to ea them to get poisoned usually!
4 May, 2011
Only yesterday it was pointed out to me that I had one in my border by another member of Goy. I'm still here but the plant sadly isn't .
4 May, 2011
Yes most things are even holly !! I have to watch my dogs with the wisteria I try to sweep up any fallen blossom as that is as well.
4 May, 2011
The smoke from oleanders is poisonous, so if later on, you have to get rid of prunings, it might be better to chip and compost them rather than burning on a bonfire.
4 May, 2011
A couple of points here, Oleanders do well in full sun, and more importantly are you intending to plant them outside or in pots, i say this because they will not go through our winters, you will lose them to frost, do you have a polytunnel/greenhouse, to protect them through the winter, you could pot them up and and store them in the green house in the winter, and during hot weather keep them well watered, the prfume from the flowers is beautifull, julien.
4 May, 2011
You don't say what part of the UK you are in. Go far enough north and you'll find they don't perform very well even in the height of summer.
As far as being poisonous goes, the fact that you didn't know this says a lot about the lack of harm they do.
It's important to distinguish between poisonous and harmful. There's nothing about the Nerium oleander that would entice you to have a munch.
5 May, 2011
Julien, depends where the questioner lives in the country - I have one in a south facing front garden behind a low wall which has come through the last two winters with not even any frost damage...
5 May, 2011
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Yes of course they are - if you only planted non poisonous plants, more than 50% of plants in average British gardens wouldn't be available to you because they're toxic if ingested. Even rhubarb has poisonous leaves, so unless you're intending to make a salad of the leaves of your oleanders, or infuse them to make tea, neither of which I'd recommend, it'll be fine. Some people are sensitive to their milky sap, so you might want to wear gloves of some kind if you need to cut them back at all.
4 May, 2011