By Oldcrock
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Hi I seem to have a lot of black flies in my garden never noticed them before, best way to rid them cheers
12 May, 2011
Could it be that one particular plant you've introduced to your garden is attracting the black flies .. ?
... or the flies are interested in some food you've put out for the birds ?
12 May, 2011
Do they seem to "leap" off if you try to touch them?
If so, it is flea beatle. This must be got rid of before it finds something that it likes and breeds. It is unlikely, but until last year I was unaware of their existence; they are the anti christ! Took out a very healthy and large Canary creeper in two days. As I say it is unlikely.
12 May, 2011
We have an exceptionally large number of largish black flies that go around with their long legs hanging down behind them. I don't know what they are but they don't seem to do any harm.
12 May, 2011
Hi Bulbaholic the flies do not have long legs they just small and hang aroun the stellata susan it near a bird table with bird seeds on but this is the first time I have seen them cheers
13 May, 2011
Hi Meanie they just seem to hover around in a fashion cheers
13 May, 2011
Hi Terratooni, How are you at the moment they are hanging around a stellta susan but the week before they were near on of the bird boxes and a rose tree cheers lol?
13 May, 2011
Hi Oldcrock ..
I hope all is well with you ...
Are you able to photograph the black flies ?
13 May, 2011
Hi Terratoonie,yes thank you all is well, I will try and photograph them and let you see them cheers oldcrock
14 May, 2011
... You can either add the photo to this question
... or if you put the photo on as a GoY photo in the "picture section", please put a comment here to let us know that's what you've done, so we don't miss it !
14 May, 2011
Strangely I have noticed that we seem to have a glut of black flies around at the moment, similar to house flies but slightly larger and very black. I hope they're not as sinister as they look.
14 May, 2011
We also have hundreds of small flies which are smaller than house flies and seem to come to just one side of the garden . They appear every year and if you sit down keep landing on you. Its strange because when the sun is out they leanve you alone and the m inute a cloud comes over, they bother you again. I will take pics of these too.
16 May, 2011
Hi Rosie thank you for your comments I have put the large pots onto wheel baskets cheers
16 May, 2011
Where are these black flies - on plants? Do you mean blackfly, an aphid, or more the housefly/bluebottle type?
12 May, 2011