By Pepperpot
United Kingdom
Please can anyone tell me, what i should do with my orchid, i had been given , i was told to cut it half way down
its stem and put in a dark cold place, is this true?
9 Nov, 2008
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orchid plants
Thankyou very much spritzhenry, glad you said about watering, i thought i'd have to stop until the spring.
9 Nov, 2008
LOL. Well, if you don't want it any more, then do just that!
Sorry - wasn't meaning to be rude. I do hope it flowers again for you. I have one that my daughter was given at the moment. She is NOT a gardener and doesn't take care of indoor plants really, either. I rescued it from a full sun position, all wilting and half-dead and it has just started to produce a new stem! (I don't think I shall give it back - hehe!)
9 Nov, 2008
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Not quite - but nearly, Pepperpot. When the last flower has fallen off the stem, cut the stem back to just above the bottom node - that's the little flap you can see on it. Then wait for a while, watering and feeding as usual. Keep an eye on:
1. the stump of the stem, as a new stem may grow from it,
2. in between the leaves as new stems also grow there.
If after a few weeks there's no sign of a new stem, take your orchid into another room a FEW degrees cooler than its usual position. It needs to be light, not dark. Leave it there for 3 weeks and then bring it back again. This usually does the trick and starts a new stem off.
Good luck!
By the way, it would die in a cold and dark place - they like warm, light positions.
9 Nov, 2008