By Lindalooloo
Swansea. West Glamorgan.,
Hi all. My question is not garden related, but GoY related. What I'd like to know is that when you look at friends pics, and click to say 'I like this pic', the actual little box disappears, and as comments are being made on the particular pic, this little box stays hidden, reminding you that you've already said you liked it. But when you click on 'Add to favourites', the little box disappears, but then comes back. Is there any way, to tell that you've already clicked on favourites?
The reason I ask, is that yesterday, on two occasions, I clicked add to favourites, and then had a message on screen, telling me that I had already added to favourites.
Hope you understand what I've tried to say, and not think 'what a silly question'.
It's probably just me, not concentrating on what I was doing, but it was just a thought. Thanks Lindalooloo
14 Jun, 2011
Np, you card!!
Linda, it's not so silly, but I don't know a proper answer. As things are now, it is probably easier to just let the messages pop up, and "Don't worry, be happy!" The alternative would be to consult your "Favourites" page on a separate tab, before pressing the button--I wouldn't consider it worth the trouble. None of us will know, and even if we did, we wouldn't twit you for it (calls too much attention to what I have done!)
15 Jun, 2011
Thankyou Tugbrethil. I did it again last night. Was looking at Delonix1 pics, of trees in a park in San Diego. Same variety of tree, but different pics. Clicked on one pic, then clicked it again without thinking. Never mind, as you say, less hassle if I just let the messages appear. Glad though, no-one will know. Lol, :o))
15 Jun, 2011
Hi Np. Thanks for that. Lol. I know you're only joking. How have you been? Not seen much of you. How's the painting going, have you had any luck with exhibiting yet? x :o))
15 Jun, 2011
no luck yet linda but im just finishing a portrate of a sharpei x pyranean excuse my spelling lol and ive just started doing some more of that concrete fence i started doing round my pond a while back . i hope your well xx .
ps you got to have a laugh .
15 Jun, 2011
I'm well thanx Np. Hadn't been on here for a while though, as I've had too much going on. Laptop belongs to Daughter, so when she's studying, she needs it. She's been recovering from an operation, so I was let loose on it, and today is her 1st day back at Uni since her op, so I'm let loose on it again. lol.
Sorry you've had no luck with exhibiting, but be sure to put pics of Sharpei on here when you finish. Can't wait to see them.
And YES, we've got to have a laugh. I've got to laugh, anyway, as I've just wrote this comment, pressed wrong key, and had to re-write it. Wot am I like. Lol.
Take care my little Gnome. Lol. x
15 Jun, 2011
im not sure id be laughing lol and ofcopurse ill show you the sharpei x .
16 Jun, 2011
Thankyou Np. Will look forward to it. x :o))
16 Jun, 2011
what asilly question lol know only joking x .
15 Jun, 2011