By Kate40club
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
apart from winter pansy's what else could I use for colour through winter in a hanging basket and are there any winter bulbs I could plant in pots.thankyou.
24 Jun, 2011
thankyou :)
24 Jun, 2011
Bulb wise, I can only think of the Winter Aconite (look like Buttercups), if planted en-masse in the hanging basket, could look quite stunning. Alone I think they look rather boring though! They can easily flower from January.
I've kept Pelargoniums all winter due to the warm micro climate in a hanging basket. Last winter was a massive challenge to them though - but if we get a milder winter then most things can survive (I had Mediterranean geraniums survive for years) Biggest problem is feeding the soil/compost.
24 Jun, 2011
I lost all my big old pelargoniums last winter Kilder, in spite of all my attempts to fend off the frosts. My patio is much less colourful as a result. I could only think of snowdrops really early. A basket is not the right place for them. Heucheras with colourful leaves are another thought, as they are hardy. There are trailing ones now. are keepers of national collection. Vicki is on GoY and sometimes posts blogs. The website is very informative and plants can be ordered. Gold medallists at Chelsea 3 times.
24 Jun, 2011
You're right Bamboo - Heuchera would be great in a basket. I love Heuchera Peach Flambe - lovey colour.
My pelargoniums (mix of varieties) survived about 2 metres from ground level in an east facing, but sunny position. Get slight coastal influence where I live which lifts the temp slightly I suppose.
24 Jun, 2011
You could try some variegated ivy as well, Kate. There are so many different ones now, and they would trail around the heucheras. You could try a few crocus, too, too come up in between the other plants, but whatever you plant, it would need to be a deep basket, to maintain moisture right through the winter. I've used small conifers and variegated grasses, too, as they make a good contrast together, and with crocus as well, it would be quite attractive. Hope that helps, Annie.
24 Jun, 2011
Wow.. Thankyou to everyone who has commented..I am spoilt for choice now :)
25 Jun, 2011
Primrose varieties? Crocus blooms early too. Hyacinths if not forced.
24 Jun, 2011