Taking Rose cuttings
By Majeekahead
Can anyone please tell when and how is the best way to take cuttings from my Rose bushes. I have some really beautiful David Austin Roses that I put in last year, and wanted to propergate some to sell on ebay. the other thing I need to know is if I listed them as David Austin Rose bushes (if ofcourse they are a sucess) would I be breaking any copywrite laws? any and all advice is most welcome.

29 Dec, 2008
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Ooo Maj, I think you would be breaking breeders rights, copyrights and every other rights you can think of. I don't think anybody can stop you doing it for your own garden - just as for any other hardwood cuttings, see http://www.rhs.org.uk/advice/profiles1001/hardwood_cuttings.asp
Good luck - I've found roses strike easily.
29 Dec, 2008
Hi Angie
This is a field of law I am not really familiar with but it does touch on copyright and business law.
If you take cuttings without the permission of David Austin or one of his contract growers then you will be infringing on a breach of business law using the name of a well known established grower to sell your product. You could sell them as just Roses from good root stock, however I don't know about using the name of the rose like 'iceberg', 'Alexander', etc, they are David Austin rose names and it could get you into trouble, but if you just put 'white rose from good established rootstock' then you aren't really providing a good enough description to buyers and any questions about their origin could land you in deep doo doo. I'm not too sure whether the rose will change depending on whether it was a cutting from a cutting or from a grafted root, that may be something another member can help with. There is also an area of law/regulation where some plants are only allowed to be propagated by certain listed breeders, when buying plants I have started to notice this so that may also be an issue, so if you buy these plants and take cuttings, seeds, etc and sell them on you could also be in breach of these regulations.
As for taking rose cuttings, I have taken them from new growth in the late Summer/Autumn and have dug a small trench in a bed and popped them all in, this is a recognised way of doing it, but as yet i've had no luck
29 Dec, 2008
You most definitely cannot sell any material taken from David Austin roses. They are all protected by the Plant Breeders legislation. You cannot even use the term. 'from David Austin stock'. The law says thay you may only propagate for yourself and not for resale without permission and paying for the right, sorry.
Also I can tell you that many of the D.A.roses whilst they will prop easily enough, do not make good strong bushes on their own roots.
29 Dec, 2008
Cutting from roses, except Queen Elizabeth, do not root strong enough to make strong bushes.
The rose growers bud the roses on 1 year old root stocks. It will take you about 3 years to get a good bush.
29 Dec, 2008
You can grow good strong roses from rooted cuttings. Not all roses are grown on root stock anymore. I have several own root David Austin roses and I also have some healthy happy roses which I have grown successfully from cuttings.
You must be very careful when propagating David Ausitn Roses. Most of the DA roses are still under copyright. You would have to do a thorough search to find one that is beyond copyright protection. The copyright even prohibits you from taking cuttings for yourself (technically).
David Austins are notoriously hard to root from cuttings. I have had better luck with air layering than propagating by cuttings.
This website provides information on rose patents and copyrights and may come in useful.......
~ Gilli
30 Dec, 2008
Thank you all so much for the informative advice, i kind of though that it might be breaking all sorts of laws - so glad i checked, i only do the ebay thing as a part time hobbie to fund my many garden projects, so really would'nt be worth my while to take it any further with applying for rights ect. But i would like to try some rose cuttings anyway. i do have 4 lovely bushes that i rescued from the flower shop that i work, they come in over the valentines and mothersday period, and were sold as pot/patio roses. - these were left overs that i took home and planted in my front garden, and they have all taken off lovely, grown in to full size bushes with big flowers. in fact the red one is still trying to flower now! they have no variety names or anything, and they are all growing from there own roots, not grafted, so maybe i will try these instead, and if sucessful i can just list them as red rose/pink rose etc - i have some lovely pictures of them in flower that i can use, i think this would be a better idea. thank you all, glad i did'nt just go ahead and do it! lol - and a Happy new year to you all x
30 Dec, 2008
I've never tried it, but my dad tells me that he learnt to propagate roses at school (why don't they teach things like that these days???) Anyway, he says they used to go out into the country and cut long stout stems of dog roses and insert lengths into the gound. When these had formed a root system and were growing well, you needed to take a cutting from your 'proper' rose and graft it on and cut back the growth from the dogrose. Can't describe all that in writing, but it'll all be in a book s'where. Sorry if s'one above already said all this - I'm getting lazy - too much to read above!! :-)
30 Dec, 2008
Grafting roses is not that hard, but even so you cannot legally take a piece of a PBR registered rose and graft it on to a briar rootstock and SELL it.
30 Dec, 2008
No i was'nt going to graft them anyway Owdboggy, i was just thinking of taking some stem cuttings from the smaller bush roses i have, they are growing from there own root system anyway, and not named varieties. - i think i should be safe doing this? not to mention i live in the London area, we don't have too many of them growing wild anyway, only in parks, and i would'nt dream of digging anthing up from my local parks. i must admit i have on occations collected a few seeds, from perennial/annual plants in the bedding displays but i don't think this is considered naughty - actually helping the grounds men dead heading! lol
31 Dec, 2008
Sorry Maj, I was really responding to Sid, rather than your original question. Unnamed roses may or may not be protected, it depends on if they are lost label registered ones or if they are just generic rose bushes. You would have to decide if it was worth the risk.
31 Dec, 2008
Thanks for the info Owdboggy, no need to apologise, i wanted an honest response, and i got one, much apreciated. i don't think there would be much risk involved with the smaller rose bushes i have, they are just little pot roses, that were unamed, not lost lables, in the shop where i work, we get them in all the time in there tray fulls each one a bit different. they just went full size when planted in the garden. i think i will give this a go, from reading what has been said here, i dont think i would be breaking any rules.
31 Dec, 2008
Sounds ok to me! You could give them a name for yourself in that case, say MJH strain! These small roses like that are often grown from seed. They are kept small by watering with a chemical growth inhibitor. When this wears off then they revert to full size.
31 Dec, 2008
aaahhhh, i always wondered why that happened! - thought it was just my expert TLC that made them get so big! lol - and yes i am sure i could come up with some interesting names for them, - but proberly safest to stick to Red Rose, Pink Rose on ebay lol - don't want to give any call for negative feedback on my so far unblemished record do we!
31 Dec, 2008
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I'm sure a rose grower will tell you when to take the cuttings Maj. but I seem to remember my father taking rose cuttings in late summer and autumn and letting them sit over winter. As far as the description is concerned I am sure that Andrea is the person to advise. I am pretty certain you can't describe them as 'David Austin roses' but maybe 'from David Austin stock'?
I have no doubt that Andrea will pick this up and baffle us all with legalese. Lol.
Happy New Year by the way
29 Dec, 2008