By Ojibway93
United Kingdom
Does anyone have experience of raising a Cornus Kousa var. Chinensis (flowering dogwood) from a sapling? Mine is about 4ft high and I've had it for a year. Any hints/tips for keeping it healthy and encouraging it to flower?
4 Jul, 2011
I have a quite mature C.Kousa which is a lovely tree and planted in 1983 - keep an index record of virtually everything I plant. I live in Hertfordshire so not so cold as in Scotland but in my tree/shrub book it says it will tolerate to minus 15o's.
I give it plenty of home made compost late autumn/early spring. I understand that Sulphate of Potash is the answer to getting almost anything to flower/bear fruit. We had our open gardens week in June and I was asking about my Quince which has never borne much fruit so I'm hoping for a larger crop this year as this spring it had a good helping of potash.
5 Jul, 2011
Thanks, Linmar. Glad to hear from you re C. Kousa. Can you remember how old your tree was when it first flowered and which month it flowers?
5 Jul, 2011
Hi Ojibway,
I can't remember how old it was when it first flowered but it flowers in June. Not so many flowers this year as last when it was smothered so may be resting a bit. Hoping for a good display next especially as I'll give it more potash in early Spring. I would like to put some photos on this site but don't know how!
9 Jul, 2011
Thanks again, Linmar, for your reply re C.Kousa. I am so impatient to see it in flower, even though I know I must just wait.
(I just learned today how to put a photo on the site. I found out I couldn't upload from my phone, so I had to go on the laptop to get it to work.)
9 Jul, 2011
I also have a Cornus kousa sapling and would like to know too please. :-) Mine sounds just like yours Ojibway - same size & I've had it the same length of time.
4 Jul, 2011