By Ladyessex1
Leigh-on-Sea Essex,
United Kingdom
Grrrrr! Ground Elder, thought I had got rid of it once but has come back, I think I know what you are going to say....... lol
But has anyone got a solution to get rid it for ever.
5 Jul, 2011
I fought with this stuff for years- like everyone else- and the only thing I found that helped (and this was not a planned strategy) was Periwinkle which smothered it and got rid of it after a time. Mind you, this was on a bank where the periwinkle could spread to it's heart's content, so this is obviously not a widely applicable solution, nor is it a quick one.
5 Jul, 2011
Dig it up and any regrowth spray with Round Up. Plant Geranium Macrorrhizum and hopefully it will clump up and smother any new growth. That worked for me and I took lots of cuttings and did it for an elderly neighbour and it worked there too.
5 Jul, 2011
My mum and me tackled it in her garden by moving all the plants out of the bed digging out as much of the ground elder as possible and laying thick black plastic over the area for a year . We covered the plastic in shredded bark and put lots of pots on there so it wasnt left bare.
That seemed to do the trick and any roots that were still hanging on after a year were either knocked out by glyphosate or were weak easily to dig out.
5 Jul, 2011
Seems like a good way of sorting out these villains Staffsal. I did something similar in Autumn 09 to rid myself of a persistent Allium. It seemed to work. They pop up a bit, but not so bad as before. I'm waiting with the Roundup or my plastic bottles over the growth and squirt and place a cane ,with protector, to secure in place.
5 Jul, 2011
Thanks for your help all :o)))
14 Jul, 2011
Dig it all up, every little bit, it will take a long time, i look at mine as a challange,every year it gets smaller, it a can be deep in the ground
5 Jul, 2011