By Noideaman
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Hi guys its me lol,Bamboo thanks for the info on my next project i have taken note and will keep everyone informed of my progress.Now about the picks you would like to see of my raised beds.I suddenly feel shy about posting them as i am showing off to accomplished gardeners and dont want to look a fool,Anyway i will post some picks from beginning to now.Please be honest about what you all think so i can learn from my mistakes.Cheers...

14 Jul, 2011
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back garden ideas
It looks really smart. Agree with Kildermorie about the conifers.
14 Jul, 2011
That's a very nice focal point. The conifers can come out in a couple of years, by that time the planting will have matured and you will have your own ideas about replanting. We all grow with our gardens I find its like a new house once you live in it you begin to know how you want it to be and after a few mistakes you get it right.
14 Jul, 2011
Excellent - well done!
14 Jul, 2011
Nice!! :-)
14 Jul, 2011
Looking good Noideaman...I have a few deck boards lying at the side of the shed doing nothing...I might attempt something now!
15 Jul, 2011
Very nice, Noideaman! Do heed Kildermorie's advice on the conifers, though. Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Lenny's Star' will give you a similar look without trying to take over the bed, or tear down the fence!
15 Jul, 2011
Looks delightful, well done - can't tell what the flowers are from this distance, but all very neat and tidy. I assume that's a bird table at the back in the middle, I really like that.
15 Jul, 2011
very nice :o)) Well Done
15 Jul, 2011
Looking really good. Mistakes can allways be dug up or cut down in a garden. As knowledge increases you will know what to do to please your own fancies.
15 Jul, 2011
Hi guys its me again.I want to say thanks to everyone who commented on the picks of my raised beds.I am very pleased with the comments they gave a very large boost to my ego, As a result i am going ahead with the rockery or rock garden in opposit corner,Your help with this project would be most welcome as i have no idea how to begin.To begin with what is the difference between rockery and rock garden,If they are not the same which one should i attempt to do.I will post a picture of the corner i intend to use, it gets sun from sunup to around 2-3 pm.By the way have taken note about connifers and will probably move them,Are they any good as hedg row if yes will get more.But only if i can keep them trimmed to 3-4 ft high.Thanks again for all comments ,I look foward to all your help with my next job.Cheers...
15 Jul, 2011
just trim your conifers from the of trimming little bits often as apposed to wating along timeand cutting big lumps of .as for your rockery/rock garden (same thing i thaught but i stand corrected ) you can build up the basic shape with old bricks and rubble . cement them together till its the sort of shape you want and then place the attractive rocks on top . leavedrainage and create pockets of nice proper soil for rock plants . job done . you could even incorperate a little water feacture/waterfall in the rockery with a little help . you should be able to buy natural stone bye the ton which would save you a lot of money .
16 Jul, 2011
The conifers you've chosen respond quite well to trimming, actually, so clip them over periodically. You might find they give up the ghost later if they can't penetrate that hard substrate and get their roots down further anyway.
Rock garden, rockery, scree garden, all much the same, all looking quite different depending on your taste. Have a look at pictures of rock gardens and see what you fancy.
16 Jul, 2011
I think it is now time to change your name from noideaman to something else as your ideas look pretty good to me.
17 Jul, 2011
I think you should change your name to Greatideaman.Your project came out wonderful!It is very lovely,you did good,real good.
17 Jul, 2011
Hi I think you have done a beautiful job.I am still learning Pat yourself on the back.
11 Aug, 2013
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It looks really good! Keep an eye on the Goldcrest Conifers into the border - they will be about 8-10 ft high/3-4ft wide in 5 years time or so and soak up all the water in the border with their shallow, long reaching, roots.
14 Jul, 2011