strawberry patch
By Bigalfie
United Kingdom
what to do with my strawberry patch it has lots dead leaves and crawlers it is a mess this is its secound year there is new growth do i replace or advice
On plant
28 Jan, 2009
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Before you cut the runner off the mother plant, push it into the soil and make sure it has set its own root before you chop it off.
28 Jan, 2009
Having cut your runners away from the parent plant remove them, repot or replant them. Clean away all detritus and dead leaves. Strawberries are hungry plants and could do with an organic miulch of well rotted manure or compost being scattered around the base of each plant. While the plant is still small cover with a weed control liner from the garden centre cutting a small hole to let each plant poke through, or later when they are ready to flower put a straw mulch or cardboard bewteen the rows to keep plants and fruit clean. I find the liner is best as it is easy to spot snails and slugs creeping to your fruit.
If your strawberries are an early fuiting variety then after the crop keep all runners clipped and you may get a second though much smaller crop.
31 Jan, 2009
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Hello Bigalfie,
Clean off all dead leaves, cut back all the runners to the parent plants. You can start a new row or rows off the best offshoot.
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28 Jan, 2009