Hello,Each morning this week my carrots have been wrecked by something
By Ashfopm
United Kingdom
Each morning this week my carrots have been wrecked by something (or someone?) during the night. They have been dug out of the plot, leaves strewn all around and the remains of chewed carrot all over the grass. A trough containg some dwarf french beans also was "attacked" although not eaten. Can you suggest what creature in the night might be doing this and what I could do to prevent it happening? Other vegetables such as onions and beetroot remain untouched.
6 Aug, 2011
Or badgers?
6 Aug, 2011
I thought badgers too. Have a look round for footprints (very wide round pawmarks) or badger "toilets" - they dig small holes three or four inches deep, use them and do not fill them in again - dead give away. You can deter them by sprinkling chilli pepper liberally around plants you want to protect, but don't get any on the leaves.
6 Aug, 2011
I have suffered this problem with carrots and I would say without hesitation BADGERS. Not much you can do other than plant the short varieties, carrots that is in containers.
Good luck. :)
6 Aug, 2011
The chilli does work, Phloxie! I haven't had any more problems since trying it.
6 Aug, 2011
Thanks for all your comments, and so quick. I do not thing it is badgers- in the area but no other sign they are in the garden - never seen before. Have never seen rabbits either.The carrot variety are the small short kind, with some in a container, so "they" are very particular! Could it be squirrels/hedgehogs? Do they forrage at night/dawn? We do have them (squirrels) in the garden during the day (hedgehogs are rare at any time). No sign of droppings. What is so peculiar is that it has only happened this week; the carrots have been "available" for 3-4 weeks. Why now ??? Me and hubby are thinking of taking night watch shifts if it happens again tonight!! Bunny patrol......................!
6 Aug, 2011
Neither squirrels nor hedgehogs would attack your carrots -I still think badgers.
6 Aug, 2011
Think you need to put up a tent for the night and stay awake, then you can tell us the out come, I will be keeping an eye on this page, don't forget your camera, shame we can't put Vidio's on here as that would be lovely to see. (:o))
7 Aug, 2011
Well I had never seen any sign of badgers in the garden either (still haven't actually seen them) until the night they dug up half my tulips - and had the other half the following night. Whatever it is, try the chilli powder - nothing likes that!
7 Aug, 2011
Thanks to all who kindly gave advise and opinions to my "phantom carrot eater" problem. It was eventually solved by covering each nigh for about 3-4 days. The culprit never returned. Unfortunately I cannot reveal who/what it was.............maybe next year??
13 Oct, 2011
Let's hope whatever it was doesn't return next year! You wouldn't necessarily know you had badgers coming into your garden... we have them around and I don't doubt they wander in occasionally.
13 Oct, 2011
Previous question
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Are there rabbits around?
6 Aug, 2011