By Ojibway93
United Kingdom
I see magnificant buddleia specimens growing 'wild' in the most unlikely places, totally uncared for, whereas my one, well looked after and pruned by the book has lots of healthy leaf growth but only a few straggly flowers. I'm not as fan of buddleia, but I bought it for the butterflies and it frustrates me that it does not put on at least as good a show as the 'wild' ones.
Is this a plant that thrives on neglect? In other words, what am I doing wrong?
6 Aug, 2011
Hopefully you're not feeding it, Ojibway - as you've noted, they grow perfectly happily in railway sidings and other places, and are actually one of the six listed weeds which cause problems round the country. I'd imagine, though, that you have a rather finer variety than the wild lilac coloured one which pops up everywhere. In future, don't feed it, don't give it a dollop of good manure or compost, if its B. davidii, cut it down to within 2 inches of old wood in late March, and let it do its thing. Hopefully, though, you have it in a spot where its in sun most of the time...
6 Aug, 2011
Thankyou, Bamboo. Yes, it's in full sun. I will do what you advise.
6 Aug, 2011
I have a lovely one in my garden that the birds or something gave me, one of the bunched flowers looked like a bird in flight, wish I had taken a picture of it now, I'm going to buy some other colours now as the one I've got looks nice. (:o)
Just found a pic of it but not the bit that looks like a bird, I've added it to my pic's <:o))
7 Aug, 2011
Previous question
« In amongst my courgette, tomato and pepper plants I have one "rogue" plant...
I've got a little one in a pot which was a 'present' from the birds. I've just left it where it appeared and it flowers every year, attracting butterflies etc. So, yes, I would say they thrive on neglect.
I didn't put it into the gardens as I've seen how tall they grow and didn't want a tree!!
6 Aug, 2011