By Sneesam
United Kingdom
Hi all,
I have moved into a new house and as your are all no doubt aware the price of plants are ridiculous. I could really do with a helping hand. Can anyone donate some seeds or some cuttings (when ready) I am in desperate situation. I have already spent a small fortune!!
At work I have a heated green house and am really keen on growing seeds!!!!
If anyone can help would really appreciate it-Anything!!!
12 Feb, 2009
There is a seed swap on this site too. Go to the 'Garden Plants link at the bottom of this page, click and then scroll down until you find the link to seed swap.
You may be able to find something on there that interests you. Good luck.
12 Feb, 2009
ill have some fennel which i use for its look rather than to eat.i hate annasede excuse my spelling but not till the autum realy but your welcome
12 Feb, 2009
Is it veg or flower that you want Sneesam? I think seed swap is possibly a waste of time if you have nothing to swap and I have a few remnants of seeds but I aren't going looking for them on the description 'anything'. Do you want chillies? nasturtiums? Broad beans? Tomatoes? Lettuce? Bower of beauty vine? others? Sorry but I am not sending stuff out on the description 'anything'.
12 Feb, 2009
fair play
12 Feb, 2009
I am really after flowers, I would like to be more precise but just geatful for any help. So if you do have some flower seeds I would really appreciate it.
Fennel sounds nice to me, will add you to my friends and contact you again, later in the year.
13 Feb, 2009
it looks realy nice i think and you can eat it.i get a lot of different insect species on here and my globe artichoke.again i dont eat these the flowers are stunning blue and the beez seam to get drunk on the necter.not unusual for them to stay the night and you can stroke them lol
13 Feb, 2009
I love globe artichokes Leigh. I just put some new ones in a few weeks ago (my previous croppers have now had it) and the toilet roll centres are in the cold greenhouse with cute little artichoke sprouts popping up and just waiting to be transplanted in about 6 or 8 weeks. Lol. But I like the taste with melted butter and if I don't harvest them as veg. they make great show flowers too. It is win-win.
Sneesam, I have PMd you.
13 Feb, 2009
i agree i think there one of my faverite flowers .im not a flower persen as such if you know what i mean.theres a pinky red strain now but i havnt sean it for sale and i got know room lol
13 Feb, 2009
I like teasels too. Also the thistle family and growing to about 5 or 6 feet. Bit invasive and since I popped a couple in some years ago I have to dig out loads of seedlings every spring. They aren't pretty but they *are* impressive and I am in no state to call anything 'not pretty'. Lol.
14 Feb, 2009
no there not ptetty at all thats why i like them they got character like a warthog has lol .its when they flower what a stunning colour to come out of such a narley it.i got a massive sculpture of my hand in front and a path behind so its all good
14 Feb, 2009
Some places have local seed swaps - if you're lucky you might find one in your area. Try Googling 'Seedy Sunday' or 'seed swap' and see what you come up with. I think they tend to happen around Feb/March Also, Lidl, Wilkinson and Alan Romans all have cheaper than average seeds - although not the widest range.
12 Feb, 2009