The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

My new Hydrangea has been wonderful this Summer but now some of the blooms are dying off I have heard they should not be removed to protect next years buds from frost They look really tatty against the new blooms. Should I leave them?



It's best to leave them on. I know what you mean, but it helps keep plant safer from frost and will give it a better chance next year. In winter the spent blooms can go lacy and look ok.

21 Aug, 2011


What I do is I trim off untidy looking dead flower heads now because it is mid-summer and there isn't going to be a problem but at the end of the flowering season when all is finished I then leave on the dead heads over winter because they do offer some protection and then prune next spring.

21 Aug, 2011


I do the same as Inverglen has suggested. In fact, there are a few coming off tomorrow!

21 Aug, 2011

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