By Scottish
Shrub selection.
Hi All
I am going shopping for some shrubs over the weekend and I would love to get some feed back on the selection I have made.
The area they are to cover is around 5m wide, depth isn't an issue as I can widen my border as they fill out. If I stand with my back to the fence I face NW, nearer west than north!
My choices are: Enkianthus cernuss f. rubens, exochorda macrantha 'The Bride' and Heptacdium microniodes.
I know from looking at pictures on GOY some of the regular posters grow these shrubs so any comments/thoughts would be appreciated.
Cheers guys x
24 Aug, 2011
Lovely! You might need some infill (short term planting) to stop the bed looking bare while the gorgeous shrubs grow into their spaces.
24 Aug, 2011
Thanks pimpernel and Beattie. I planted this area out in march time with just perennials and I'm really disappointed with myself that I didn't discover this site before hand!!!! To appreciate the importance of shrubs and screening. Then again, that's why I joined so I could learn :)
24 Aug, 2011
I got lost just imagining 5m and no issues..LOL X
You are so lucky.
24 Aug, 2011