By Lincslass
United Kingdom
Is anyone else having problems, I cannot put pics on either my blogs or my own page, I`ve tried two different laptops and yesterday hubby tried on his comp.,each time I try it tells me that the page cannot be found...
24 Aug, 2011
Thanks Sam, mines been doing it since last Friday, really winding me up.
24 Aug, 2011
Lincs, yesterday our whole Broadband set-up seemed to go berserk! Nothing would work, even the phone was engaged when we tried to use it ... rang BT to get some advice ... all meant to be up and running faster ... it isn't though as it's taken me, on average, 4 minutes to put a single photo on this evening! :o(((
24 Aug, 2011
Just stop the upload and make sure the photos you are trying to add are no larger than 4 inches square and 72 dpi. Folk trying to upload large photo files is what slows this site down!
24 Aug, 2011
Mine are smaller than that, MG, but everything is sooo slooow again this evening. I'm giving up now.
24 Aug, 2011
Thanks Shirley, I haven`t been able to get any on at all since last week, changing pages takes ages as well..
Its not the size Moongrower, I checked that out the other day by trying some that are already on my pages, I also resized the others to the smallest they would go just as a test, that didn`t work either, it keeps telling me that the webpage isn`t recognized, funny thing is the written blog went on with no problems.
Thankyou though for trying.
I`ve sent a message through contact us but that has got me nowhere as yet...
24 Aug, 2011
Pleased to say that Peter has acknowledged my query so hoping to get sorted.....
24 Aug, 2011
I have found the site slow all evening and thought it was my computer till reading your comment.
24 Aug, 2011
God, yes, it was teeth grindingly slow yesterday evening, I gave up in the end - I had time to make a cup of tea in between pages...
25 Aug, 2011
Our phones and broadband crashed for 5 days a few weeks ago because some low-life had stolen all the cables for hundreds of yards in a village nearby. It's about time they used fibre optics and not copper cable - that would stop the thieving.
25 Aug, 2011
Only useing this site very occasionally these days, and yes it's a lot slower than it used to be, bad news as far as I'm concerned ... :(
26 Aug, 2011
Pleased to say I seem to have it sorted now (fingers xx) followed advice from Peter, took a few goes but ok now, he told me that a few on aol had experienced similar problems...
27 Aug, 2011
The first attempt at loading a photo last night and I had that issue. Then the internet crashed completely. After that it was fine. Haven't attempted to load pictures today though.
24 Aug, 2011