By Sunshines
United Kingdom
I love to eat raw mushrooms is this ok to do...and what is actually in them vitamin wise or what ever.
24 Feb, 2009
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No real vitamin content Sunshines but very rich in potassium.
24 Feb, 2009
No harm in raw mushrooms sunshines but I wouldn't eat any raw from the woods as Ducky says. I guess if you ate a couple of bushels worth you might have a bit of a reaction..... :o( lol
24 Feb, 2009
i was always told they have lots of vit c in them. mother were you conning me to get me to eat them!
24 Feb, 2009
thanks to all threads very helpfull
24 Feb, 2009
Seaburngirl, yes she was! With respect, what planet was she living on?!
They are yummy though, my Aunt enjoyed them and lived till 87, so there you go. lol
25 Feb, 2009
Actually Weeding the people marketing mushrooms do claim that they are rich in vitamins (they would wouldn't they) so Seaburngirl's mother was probably acting in good faith and a child will understand that vitamin C is good for you but probably not that potassium is. The Royal College of Physicians is objective though and says that whilst mushrooms have very valuable trace vitamins and minerals, these are in minute quantities and their real value is the potassium.
25 Feb, 2009
interesting, i never knew about the potassium. What was it bananas are rich in again? Apart from yellowness I mean. Was it kalium or something?
Deepest respect to Mums in general who have an impossible job - it's the best and the worst job in the world I reckon. I have 3 growing up and only one is a real mushroom-hater.
25 Feb, 2009
Bananas are also rich in potassium Weeding. I don't know about anything else but they do say that eating a banana is like having a complete meal.
26 Feb, 2009
Kalium - K - the chemical symbol for potassium. Welcome to the insane world of science - lol.
26 Feb, 2009
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« the leaves go dark brown on one side and then fall off. It is spreading.
Yes raw mushrooms are fine to eat, Japanese Enoki straw mushrooms are particularly fantastic in a salad. Although I wouldnt eat any that I had found in the wild raw even if I knew exactly what they were.
24 Feb, 2009