By Saspee
Can anyone tell me how garlic grows,is it like potatoes,
3 Mar, 2009
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Garlic needs a period of cold during growth so that the bulb splits into many sections. It should be planted in Autumn and harvested in June/ July as the foliage starts to die down. Save some for using fresh and dry some for later in the year. I also peel it and freeze it in plastic bags and it lasts really well.
5 Mar, 2009
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Garlic grows much like onions. You plant the cloves with their tops about 2" below the surface with the pointed end up and the cloves about 8" apart. Mulch the garlic to keep down weeds as garlic doesn't like competition. Harvest when the leaves are 1/2 to 3/4 brown.
Each garlic clove will produce a head of garlic. Don't crowd them or the heads will be small.
3 Mar, 2009