By Hank
United Kingdom
My daughter had one of these on her tomatoes recently. About 3 inches long. Name it.
I hope you get the photo. ( I've never succeeded with copy and paste so what chance do I have this time ?)
20 Sep, 2011
You don't copy & paste to add photos on GoY, Hank. You have to upload it from your computer to the website. You can still add it - "edit" your question. At the bottom is a button "add photo". Click on this and you can browse the files on your computer to add the photo at the end.
20 Sep, 2011
Thanks guys, I knew I was on a hiding to nothing trying to add a photo using on my ipad.
I got so annoyed with my computer the other day I chucked it away and gave my big flat screen to my daughter. My mother would have called that " cutting your nose off to spite your face " if you remember that saying ?
I'll ask my daughter how to do it and try again soon. Or is it just like you said Beattie ?
21 Sep, 2011
it is as easy as Beattie says. :)
even I can do it and I am a luditte. And I still use that phrase with my 2 girls.
21 Sep, 2011
It is really easy, hank, but I discovered that the button I remembered as saying "edit" says "add to your question" or words to that effect. I added some photos to my question earlier today and it was easy-peasy.
21 Sep, 2011
Seaburn girl -
"Upload it from your computer to the website" ? ! .
This sort of statement is Chinese to me - I haven't a clue. If it's so easy, tell me EXACTLY how to include a photo I have in an email, within a question to GoY.
Don't forget I'm using an ipad and I'm a complete beginner.
And Beattie-
if you're a luddite, I don't think a word has been invented that describes Me ! I may burst into tears anytime now.
21 Sep, 2011
Sorry, Hank, I've never used an ipad, but I'm sure there is a way. On a PC that uses Windows you have to save the photo from the email and put it in a file on your PC. Then you copy it from that file onto the GoY website so we can all see it. I don't know what the equivalent is on an ipad.
21 Sep, 2011
Hank you need to save your picture in .jpg format. Did you download from your camera to your iPad or was the picture an attachment to an email?
If you answer these questions first we can take it in stages. It's easier than me writing down all the instructions at once which will confuse you.
22 Sep, 2011
O.k. Scottish - I received an email on which there was one line of writing and a large photo, filling the screen of my ipad with a picture of this creature.
I'd love to send it to GoY.
Next week I'll be going to the Apple shop in Manchester where they'll do it for me. They won't do it slowly (you know these geeks !), their fingers move like lightning on a keyboard and they can't seem to slow down.
But if have the patience - yes please-instruct away.
22 Sep, 2011
I will PM you Hank :)
22 Sep, 2011
Seaburn Girl and others - I will eventually produce this creature. I now have help with mastering this ipad.
Thanks for all the interest.
23 Sep, 2011
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no sorry no photo.
was it a caterpillar or a full sized insect?
20 Sep, 2011