Cheering News!
By Bamboo
United Kingdom
Not a question, but a bit of cheering info for those of us who suffer from SAD or who hate the winter - three cheers and hooray, yesterday was the shortest day! We're on the up, 2 minutes more daylight every day from today - won't be so long now till we're back to:-

22 Dec, 2011
I'm counting the minutes daily, lol! Always helps me through the rest of winter, doing that...
22 Dec, 2011
I always look forward to "yesterday" spring cannot be that far away after the shortest day. They had seed potatoes in the local garden center this morning!!
22 Dec, 2011
I'm just glad we're out of November, my most hated month of the year - not keen on January either, but I'd rate that second worst.
22 Dec, 2011
Lovely cheery news Bamboo, love the photo too... is this your garden?
22 Dec, 2011
No, it's a client's - although I did it... (not the paving, got a man to do that!)
22 Dec, 2011
I thought today was the shortest ! Gawd that means summer will be here in no time...Is it still SAD if you get fed up of sunshine and anything above 15 degrees?
22 Dec, 2011
Ha ha - well I guess some people would call it that, but as in sad, lower case, not an acronym. Some confusion always about the shortest day - winter solstice is the 21st December, the longest night.
22 Dec, 2011
Thanks, Bamboo for the many useful, interesting answers you've given this year for Questions on GoY. Merry Christmas. xxx
22 Dec, 2011
The actual moment of the solstice when then sun moves into Capricorn varies between late evening on 21 and early morning on 22 December. This year if I have understood correctly it was at 3am today.
22 Dec, 2011
Hence the confusion about the shortest day - really we're talking about the longest night, aren't we, rather than the shortest day - they're not quite the same thing.
22 Dec, 2011
I always feel better once the sun has 'turned'. The idea is good for my psyche, if nothing else.
But, it was a beautiful day today with temperatures even here of 12 C at lunchtime. Lucky to get that in summer, sometimes! Things are looking up!
Happy Christmas and great gardening in 2012!
22 Dec, 2011
Lovely here too today - at 10.30 this morning, there was a huge bumble bee buzzing about outside, the sort of thing I usually see in about March - poor thing, it's not spring yet...
22 Dec, 2011
Ha..Bamboo, it's funny that it is OK to hate the Winter and dread it. But not Summer..I honestly dread Summer, even the weather reports about where got the most hours of sunshine. This year was not as bad as most, still glad when October arrives.
The flowers are the only thing about it I look forward to.
22 Dec, 2011
\0/\0/\0/ hurray --past the shortest day-- Thanks for reminding me Bamboo-- have a lovely christmas and happy, healthy
22 Dec, 2011
Keep the home, ummm, fluorescents burning! : )
22 Dec, 2011
Merry Christmas to you too! We had a gorgeous day in Worcestershire today, with festive and farmer's markets in all towns. Did a bit of a drive about - Banbury, stratford, evesham, hereford - all very christmassy and lovely. Yesterday, I was removing weed seedlings, and finding perlargoniums still budding - amazing for this time of year, especially after last year's snow and ice.
22 Dec, 2011
Pimpernel - I know what you mean about summer - I like it when its no more than 20/21 deg. C - anything over that I now find intolerable. Specially in London, where a couple of days of high temperatures and no wind means photosynthetic smog makes your eyes sting, your throat burn, and means more use of the old ventolin pump... and staying indoors with the windows shut, oh deep joy...
23 Dec, 2011
And I'll add Happy New Year to everyone, as well as getting through Christmas without too many disagreements or disappointments - personally, I find the whole thing totally exhausting... even though I like tinsel, lol
23 Dec, 2011
I don't get SAD in the winter, it's the only time I get to GROW MY NAILS LOL
Have a Happy Christmas All
Luv Jackie xx
25 Dec, 2011
thanx for that bamboo i think you can smell the change of seasens . just tell .im normaly terribble but A its not over and B dont ment something that aint broken lol .
28 Dec, 2011
mend sorry lol x .
28 Dec, 2011
hi bamboo sounds good, cant wait till spring when we see the daffs -tulips - snow drops. coming up
22 Dec, 2011