The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Plants for Tubs


By Lakey

Warwickshire, United Kingdom

Could people advise a selection of plants to put in to tubs. I would guess Pansies, Geraniums and small Fuchsias for a start. This may seem basic but I have never really been a gardener, but this year I am going to make a serious effort, as I am now on my own and have a nice garden area. Thanks.



Those are all good plants also: lobelia, nasturtiums, aubretia... the list is endless. A tip, go and look at the planted up tubs in your local garden centres and see what they have put in - then you can use similar plants. Don't pack the tub too full to start with, allow for growth. Do you want the tubs just for summer or are you planning on some of them being year round?

14 Apr, 2009


Ooooh, there's a plethora of choice here.

I have dahlias, lilies, pansies, agapanthus, roses, peonies and a blueberry bush (must have ericaceous compost) amongst many others. Hostas also are excellent in pots and they look lovely in a group with a few flowering pots. The hostas will themselves flower too, although not very spectacular (only my opinion though) they are still pretty.

14 Apr, 2009


Thanks for the suggestions. I had planned for them being just for the summer. I will take a trip to garden centres and have a look at what they do. I am quite looking forward to it. I did previously have a couple of Hostas, so may go for 1 of them.

14 Apr, 2009


Get some trailing plants - Lobelia, Bidens, Bacopa, trailing Petunias, Surfinias, they all trail over the edge of your containers, with an upright plant like a Pelargonium or Fuchsia in the middle.

14 Apr, 2009


depending on the size of your tub, I love the height that purple fountain grass provides, as well as the airy softness. Combined with purple sweet potato vine, you can color coordinate with reds, oranges or purples - coleus is another great companion to both of those - so many color combinations and a great textural element!

15 Apr, 2009

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