Ferns, foliage and fronds.
By kate123
Took a few snaps of some of the ferns in my garden this week. Apologies as I do have a couple or 3 of the same variety.
I do love my 2 tree ferns, they add some artistic flavour to my little back garden.
In other news…finished decorating the our open plan back area of the house downstairs…..tedious task. However, all looking fresh and clean. Oh, and it’s still all white!
12 Sep, 2021
Previous post: Chopping the Chilean potato vine aka solanum.
Next post: Sloe berries on the blackthorn.
Thank you, Julia, that’s a lovely thing to say! Considering, you have an amazingly showstopper of a garden!
Have to say, I’d be the same if Rob attempted my lawn even when it is is a small area! He wouldn’t edge it the way I would…
I do hope he learned some new skills today! It is never to late to learn. He may have enjoyed doing some gardening, or is it is a case of helping you in your hour of need? It’s true, as you say, they have other valuable skills indeed! 😊
12 Sep, 2021
Thanks kindly, Eileen! I’d have to get the labels out to remind myself of some of the names! You do have perfect shady areas, plus lovely sunny spots too!
I’m with you 100%, I don’t get why people don’t like them much - they do add some lush verdant colour and architecture too. Plus, as you said, a good backdrop for all our blooms and colourful foliage! Thanks again! 😊
12 Sep, 2021
I love your ferns. I am enjoying all your greens. I can't grow them in the borders because it's too dry, so have started a few in small pots and they have grown tremendously. I like the contrasts in the final photo.
12 Sep, 2021
Aw thank you, Ange! I am happy you like my ferns! I’m pleased yours are thriving well in pots - I think they definitely look striking potted up too! Thanks again for your lovely feedback - hope you’ve had a nice holiday too! 😊
12 Sep, 2021
I just love your ferns and the way you have photographed them is beautiful with your use of the lighting.
Well done you!!!
12 Sep, 2021
Your ferns look lovely Kate, I too have a bigger garden than you which does make a difference when it comes to finding room as well as a shady place, I wouldn't be without mine, despite being so dry they are all doing amazingly well even the newly planted ones, green is my favorite colour, the more the merrier...Lovely photographs Kate..
13 Sep, 2021
They look wonderful Kate,and so many varieties .Your photography is wonderful .I am lacking in shady areas too,as I only have one narrow North Facing border,which is already full to bursting with appropriate shrubs ,and plants,but I can quite happily sit back and admire yours instead.. :o)
13 Sep, 2021
Anget, try Polysticum setiferum for a dry shady spot.
And a tip for a spot that's a bit too dry - put gel crystals in the planting hole -it really does work.
13 Sep, 2021
Kate, love your ferns, it has certainly given me inspiration to include more ferns in my patio pot garden. My ferns in my border have shrivelled during the latest dry spell.
13 Sep, 2021
Thanks for the tip, Stera; will look that one out.
13 Sep, 2021
Really lovely Kate so healthy looking.
13 Sep, 2021
Thank you, Chris! I’m really happy you like my pics and your feedback is lovely! Thanks again, well chuffed now!
13 Sep, 2021
I can fully understand where you’re coming from, Klahanie. I’m sure on a grand scale it’s not the same for you, it’s easier for me to maintain the foliage etc in my garden. I’ve a patient who is forever digging up ferns that have popped up all over..
But, I thank you for your lovely comments about my dicksonia. I’ve 2 that seem to be doing well - despite the sunshine hitting them at certain times of the day for a while..thank you again for the smashing comment about my blue potter fern and outdoor light! I’m very happy you like the effect..I’ve another 2 of these lights around the corner of this wall. 😊
13 Sep, 2021
Thanks Sue! I am lucky I’ve a few tall-ish shrubs which help cast some shade..a laurel tree, the Jack and the beanstalk solanum, acers and a tall juniper which I’ve shaped into a tree with trunks. Plus the ivy hedging does lend some dark height too. I think your right, you can possibly provide more shade in a small garden at times, or have some shady nooks in bigger gardens too. It’s great yours are thriving too! I do love their big green lush fronds - I can imagine you do too!
13 Sep, 2021
Aw, thank you very much, Sandra! What a lovely message! I’m really pleased you can enjoy my fern pictures, it’s very kind of you! I think if you’ve already got a lovely shady planted tea that works for you and looks wonderful - you wouldn’t change a thing! I’m just happy you want to admire my shady ladies! Thanks again! 😊
13 Sep, 2021
Yes, great advice, thanks Sue! 👍
13 Sep, 2021
Thank you, Amsterdam! It’s great on this site that we can get ideas and inspiration from one another! Sue has just posted some advice regarding care of ferns in dry spots/areas in the garden. Thank you again for your lovely comment!
13 Sep, 2021
Thank you, Denise, kind comment. ☺️
13 Sep, 2021
Kate, I love your Ferns. (& mine :-). I have 13 different ones, all doing well at the shady end of the garden, they seem to tolerate dry conditions too. Lovely photos of yours, thank you for showing them to us.
13 Sep, 2021
Ferns are my hubbie's favourite plants. Everytime wego to a nursey , we have to bring another home!
You have a lovely collection Kate.
14 Sep, 2021
I just love ferns. I have been taking ferns to my son Mike who is setting up a new garden in Wales.
14 Sep, 2021
beautiful ferns Kate - and presentation. They certainly bring a lot of structure to the garden. The 2md picture is particularly outstanding.
15 Sep, 2021
Your ferns are lovely Kate, you have some interesting ones. I've never thought of growing one in a pot but the one in your blue pot looks nice.
I've only got one bought fern but a few 'wild' ones that came on their own.
16 Sep, 2021
Thank you, everyone for your lovely comments! I have some on the rockery, in pots, on the bund, in the beds…I’ll put a fern anywhere! Thanks again! xx
18 Sep, 2021
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you have some lovely specimens there Kate. I love ferns and I have plenty of shade for them haha.
They add such a lushness to the garden don't they? I don't understand those people who think they are boring.
They provide such an interesting backbone to the floral planting.
12 Sep, 2021