By Ladyessex1
Leigh-on-Sea Essex,
United Kingdom
For Scottish. I think your picture is of a Drone Fly, looks like a Bee.
When they are flying, drone flies are sometimes mistaken for bees. When they are at rest, it can be seen that they have only one pair of wings. Bees have two pairs.
I played with your picture to get it lighter, I hope you didn't mind, of coarse yours is the bottom picture.

13 Mar, 2012
Almost identical!! Thank you for taking the time Jackie. It's much appreciated. You did a great job of 'fixing' the picture too. Did think about doing that :)
I would like to keep some sort of record of the insects in the garden so this is the start for the year. Cheers Angie x
15 Mar, 2012
Your Welcome Angie, when you look hard through the wings of your one you can see the orange like spots like on the picture I found. Jackie x
16 Mar, 2012
Yes I can see them now you have pointed it out...thanks again :)
16 Mar, 2012
Fascinating to see the 2 pics. side by side :o)
14 Mar, 2012