By Maryblaen
United Kingdom
I have planted a flowering meadow in the lower part of my garden, the whole area is approx 15ft x 35ft, I would like to plant trees in the lower part of the meadow, could you advise please.
Regards, Mary Jones
16 Apr, 2012
Not an answer, but I would suggest you edit out your email address from your question, just for the sake of privacy.
16 Apr, 2012
[quote]Not an answer, but I would suggest you edit out your email address from your question, just for the sake of privacy. [/quote]
Can you explain in more detail please, I am new here and don't want to start off on the wrong foot by inadvertantly upsetting people....Tg
16 Apr, 2012
When we answer your question the Goy site will send you an email so you do not need to put it on your question....more importantly at the moment Anyone can see it and email you direct which I for one wouldn,t want.
16 Apr, 2012
When we answer your question the Goy site will send you an email, your address is secure with them (you can read the guidelines at the bottom of the page) if you leave your email address on then anyone looking at this site can email you, which I for one wouldn,t want.......hope that helps......welcome to Goy bye the way
16 Apr, 2012
Following on from Teegee's reply, we have part of our garden that is natural meadow, Mary, and we have a variety of wildflowers which pop up throughout the summer, and very pretty they are, too. We have planted quite a lot of fruit trees here, and just keep the area around each one free of grass, flowers and weeds. They all survive and co-exist very well, and the bees that are attracted by the wildflowers are very good at pollinating the fruit trees. We just strim the meadow when it gets too overgrown, and the next cycle of plants pop up within a few days. Our trees are all on dwarf rooting stock.
Welcome to GoY!
16 Apr, 2012
Hello Mary and welcome! I love the idea of a wildflower meadow and dwarf fruit trees sound like a really good idea! I wish I had the space to do something like that!
If you want to change or delete something when you've made a posting just press the edit buttons, then resend.
Good luck with the meadow!
17 Apr, 2012
Its not a very big area for both but having said that I think I would form an orchard over the whole area rather than just at the bottom.
I think you could get up to a dozen fruit trees in such an area providing you select those with dwarfing rootstock.
I think these would look quite nice underplanted with wild flower plus you get the benefit of flowers in spring and fruit in the autumn.
Add to that if you run your lawnmower in a meandering line through the meadow this would create a walkway through the flowers and trees thus allowing you to walk through the meadow/orchard and enjoy the colours and smells.
16 Apr, 2012