By Steveg1966
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
I have been looking at growing some melons in my polytunnel I have never tried to grow these before so any advice and tips would be great i.e. what type would be easy to start with
22 Apr, 2012
True, cantaloupes and their near kin are the least heat-dependent melons. The only thing that I can add from my experience is that they take up a lot of room for the vines--though there are space-saving varieties. Like most members of the squash family, they like fast-draining, sandy soil.
23 Apr, 2012
The only time I tried I got male flowers, next day female and so it went on, never did flower on thesame day! But heres hoping Steve....
23 Apr, 2012
I grew canteloupes 10yrs ago. and found them easy as cucs. the biggest problem i had was supporting the developing fruit. [used onion net bags in the end] they need lots of water and tomato food. When the flowers were forming I did do the paintbrush tickling trick at any time of the day. I did leave greenhouse windows open so if I had insects in doing the job for me I was unaware.
I got 10 small fruits and i think that is what was the fun. OH wanted 1-2 large fruits but i didnt. and as i was 'in charge' i won. they tasted great.
23 Apr, 2012
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« This appeared in my garden this year. It looks familiar but I can't remember...
Well first of all they are not easy to grow!
I would suggest you select any Cantaloupe variety for starters.
What I found to be the most difficult part was the pollination as this is best done manually, you can't rely on insects doing it for you.
The biggest difficulty I had with this was the timing, they are best pollinated when the sun is at its highest which is not easy if you were at work.
I was lucky I had a fellow plot holder who was prepared to do it for me.
Now that I am retired this is easier but I don't always get it right even then.
So let me wish you the best of luck.
This link might help you;
22 Apr, 2012