By Nanjo
United Kingdom
Does anyone know what these are ? They were growing on my Magnolia Stellata.

23 Apr, 2012
Thank you Teegee, I took these pics a few years ago and never knew what these strange things were, pretty big too ! I will have to see if any appear this year now. :-)
23 Apr, 2012
If they ripen then they contain red seeds which can be sown to produce new trees. However, mice etc. adore them so if you sow them then you need to protect them from vermin. I have managed to get them to germinate and grow, but sadly the harsh winter 3 years ago killed off the babies. They do take a long time to grow to flowering size too.
24 Apr, 2012
I agree with nosey about the form of these seeds! The huge magnolia nextdoor has them but not quite that shape!
24 Apr, 2012
I agree too with Noseypotter on this one!!! lol
24 Apr, 2012
What are you like NP? hadn't noticed until you did.
I never knew stellata grew as big as that.
24 Apr, 2012
I always thought they were rude ! I think that was why I took the pics in the first place !! lol :-)))
24 Apr, 2012
i wasnt thinking rude just inferia lol xx love your honesty nanjo x lol
24 Apr, 2012
anyway give me a break i am male lol .
24 Apr, 2012
Perhaps I should put them on 'Embarrassing Bodies ' lol...
24 Apr, 2012
Imagine a whole tree covered in one of graphitti's favourite logos.......the mind boggles.
25 Apr, 2012
stop it lol xx .
25 Apr, 2012
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Did a google and it appears to be;
Immature Magnolia fruit see here;
I never new they live and learn.
Thanks for your question now I have learned something new !
23 Apr, 2012