By Steveg1966
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
My tomatoes are really slow this year the size of the 48 plants ranging from 1 to 4 inch max they were sown 3/5 weeks ago is this ok will they catch up and what size pot do I need to pot them up to.
26 Apr, 2012
Glad to know I am not the only one who is suffereing from 'slow growth'
I think much of my stuff is 2 to 3 weeks behind and I have a heated greenhouse!
OK heat keeps them ticking over but it is light I am short of.
This time last year as I recall, I had difficulty keeping them cool rather than warm.
So it is simply a case of just waiting on nature taking its course, and the super optimist in me tells stuff will still catch up, then I will wonder why I was concerned! :o))
Put this one down to the fickle weather!
But having said that the weather is seasonal ....April Showers!! :o)
Its just that it hasn't been seasonal as we used to know it this last few years!
As I said.....Fickle British Weather ;o)
26 Apr, 2012
Can't help with the question Steve, 'fraid I'm with you, I set my toms 6 weeks ago and not 1 of them's over 1 inch tall now.
And in desparation I bought 6 - 3 inch tall ones 4 wks ago and they're only 6 ins now !
Like the other guys say - it's the weather. Can't blame the Gov't this time.
26 Apr, 2012
My tomatoes sown on the 11th of March are looking better than i've ever grown them.
They are in a greenhouse where the electric heater doesn't allow the temperature to fall below 50'f, and when we do get sunshine, which hasn't been much, temperatures go up to 80'f.
As for light, i grow them on high shelves about 18" from the roof of the greenhouse. My plants are nice and stocky, on the 5th leaf and tiny trusses are showing, plus loads of side shoots.
They are in 4" pots and will be planted into final containers in about 2 weeks time.
So i cannot explain why other peoples are so far behind.
As an aside, i've had my best ever year for rooting dahlias and i would say they are well ahead of last year, and i'm quite pleased the weather is so cool at the moment as they are holding them back nicely.
And the sweet peas are loving this wet weather and again, i would say they are growing much better than other years.
26 Apr, 2012
My toms are almost dormant too. Im sure if we get natural warmth and light they' ll grow in leaps and bounds.
26 Apr, 2012
ScrumpyG most folk do not grow their toms. in a heated greenhouse! How do you get them outside to continue to grow or do you keep them in your heated greenhouse - in which case I can only point out your are producing very expensive tomatoes!
26 Apr, 2012
The greenhouse heat goes off permanently anytime now and will only be on if freezing temperatures are forecast.
Set on thermostat means not too much electricity is used at this time of year....heating starts December when the onions are started and is only ever set to come on to maintain the 50'f temp. Obviously more electric is used in the winter months. I only use a cheap £25 argos fan heater by the way, with no insulation.
I only have a small greenhouse, a funny sized 8ft 10" square, but at the moment in there i have, apart from 20 tomato plants, 200 dahlia plants, beetroot in cells, a few trays of bedding plants, so it's not just tomatoes that need the heat at this time of year. And before that were about 150 onions in various size pots.
So i'm not growing in a heated greenhouse at all as when they are planted in their final pots in a few weeks time the greenhouse will be cold. So not expensive at all in the big picture of things.
If people don't have heating in their greenhouse...I assume you do.... then very cold nights coupled with below average daytime temperatures are obviously going to cause problems, as extremes in temperature cause more problems than being permanently cold or hot. But as has been proved in my case, maintaining this minimum of 50'f reaps the benefits. I certainly wouldn't be able to exhibit in any of my shows without doing that.
The best investment anyone can make is to get some electric sockets in the greenhouse. I have soil warming cables that use very little power, aluminium heat mats that uses very little power, meaning you can grow plants how they like to be grown with very little effort. For example, tomatoes sown in a seed tray, placed in a freezer bag, placed on the heat mat germinate in 5 days.
Same with your bedding plants.
Then people wouldn't be moaning that after 5 weeks they have 2" tomato plants:)
26 Apr, 2012
Nope we have no heating in our greenhouses in fact the bulb house has mesh at one end to keep the air temperature cool. Alpines don't like warm winters :-)
27 Apr, 2012
My greenhouse was heated when I kept South African bulbs but they have all been sold due to not being able to afford to run the heater anymore we have had our hours cut to the bare bone at work so I am afraid that greenhouse heating is a luxury.
27 Apr, 2012
I've got a tube heater under a slatted wooden bench for my toms and cucumbers, with bubble wrap over to create a tent, set at about 5 degrees.
28 Apr, 2012
It has been so cold and dull Steve nothing is really growing very much, if at all. Pot the larger ones into small 3 inch pots.
26 Apr, 2012