West Sussex,
United Kingdom
Any ideas on why I can't seem to grow lilies of the valley? They were my mother's favourite and I love them too but after planting 2 packs of bulbs I have nothing but two scrawny stems. They are in an area of partial shade.
16 May, 2012
I think a few have trouble getting these to survive. The strays which come to my garden via the fence grow in moist soil in total shade.
16 May, 2012
the problem I think is the packs dry out so they dont stand a chance. The only ones I have got to take [and boy have they taken] came as bare roots from a neighbour straight into damp deep shade where they are now flourishing.
I love them too, they were my wedding motif.
17 May, 2012
Lily of the valley, as SBG says, don't do well if their roots get totally dry - the ones you bought were probably already dead! In our garden they are extremely invasive and Bulba is always digging them up.
17 May, 2012
Wel, thank you everyone! Either the bulbs were already dead as you say, or the plants got too dry over the last couple of summers. I think I need to try another position and I'll start with a couple of fresh plants rather than bulbs.
Lovely for a wedding, SBG!
17 May, 2012
You're not alone Pennyfarthing - I have't been able to grow them either, until recently.
Firstly, I think it's a plant that only grows where it's happy.
Second, you need fresh material to plant. I've tried lots of times with this one and finally succeeded when a friend posted me a good parcel of roots from her garden that I planted immediately they arrived. That was a couple of years ago and they spent last year making roots! They hardly showed above ground, but I found there were lots of shoots when I went to plant something else in that spot. THIS year I actually have some flowers (miniature, but they're giving me hope!)
17 May, 2012
Don't give up I planted mine 2 years ago and only this year have I seen any life and there seems to be quite a lot of them. I planted mine under my willow tree as it says they prefer shade, all I need now is for them to flower
17 May, 2012
Thanks Beattie and Irene, that gives me hope!
17 May, 2012
Although I've got hundreds now, the original bulbs were in the soil for three years before they decided to grow. I think THEY decide when and where to grow!!
18 May, 2012
It's reassuring to know I'm not the only one having problems getting Lily of the Valley going. Damp, shade here but its not happy, I thought maybe my heavy clay is a factor. Can anyone recommend where to buy fresh plants.
18 May, 2012
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You can have some of mine - I've got hundreds!
What about trying to raise them in a pot, keep the soil quite damp and put them in the shade. Mine grow behind a brick wall where the ground is quite damp in the back garden.
16 May, 2012