Transplanting Acer
By B_lourenco
Norfolk ,
United Kingdom
I had a potted Japanese Acer that I transplanted to the ground about 6 weeks ago, I now regret doing this and want to know if I can transplant back to a pot without harming its root system.

4 May, 2009
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acer trees
Yes lift it but put it in as big a pot as you can and water well. keep an eye on it even if it rains, the pot might stay on the dry side.
4 May, 2009
Personally I would not dig up now but wait until autumn. The acer has already sustained a shock in being removed from pot and planted in ground. To lift it 6 weeks later and repot is not going to encourage growth.
4 May, 2009
Why do you regret planting it out? They generally put on much more growth than in a pot and less chance of them drying out.
5 May, 2009
I agree with Celandine they tend to do much better in the ground rather than in pots.
5 May, 2009
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this is beautiful, I too have one that I planted but should of kept potted fingers crossed we can, mind you mine was a good few months ago now maybe too late for mine
fingers crossed for you though
x x x
4 May, 2009