By Scotkat
Gardening Scotland did anyone go yesterday or going today?
I am maybe going on Sunday.
2 Jun, 2012
Scotkat, if you have the time this evening, look at BBC iPlayer/Lifestyle and Leisure/Beechgrove Garden. They are in the floral hall at the end of the construction period and before the show is open. I believe the program is very good and will be our entertainment this evening.
2 Jun, 2012
I went yesterday, Kath. The Floral Hall is brilliant, and - you can buy plants! Enjoy.
2 Jun, 2012
You can every year Ojibway
2 Jun, 2012
I was supposed to be going today Kath, with mum, but she has bronchitis - so we won't be bothering. I spent far too much last year - so probably money well saved :)))))
Moongrower - have you missed not going?
2 Jun, 2012
Nope not at all, having been part of the team that builds and persons the Scottish Rock Garden Club stand for years it is nice to actually have a break. We'll probably be back next year but not for the full three days.
3 Jun, 2012
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2 Jun, 2012